• Question: how many body parts have you discovered?

    Asked by anon-175276 to hayleypincott on 12 Jun 2018.
    • Photo: Hayley Pincott

      Hayley Pincott answered on 12 Jun 2018:

      I wish I could claim I’ve discovered loads but sadly not. I do get to look at body parts though. we get things in the lab that have been removed in surgery, so we can see things like tongues, voice box, the fat and muscle layer in the neck and we can get jaws in the lab. These are pretty major cases and we will usually only see one or two a week but most of our work is taken up with smaller routine biopsies like cysts and bits of skin. Might sounds a bit gross but it’s really interesting. I’ve been in theatres to see surgery then I took the specimen to the lab where we worked on it and I then sat in on the MDT so see what they decided to do with the patient. MDT is Multi Disciplinary Team meeting and it’s here you get doctors and clinicians from a load of different specialities deciding the best way to care for the patient.
