• Question: what was your favourite question? and good luck all

    Asked by anon-175281 to Alex, Ella, hayleypincott, Thomas on 21 Jun 2018.
    • Photo: Hayley Pincott

      Hayley Pincott answered on 21 Jun 2018:

      This is a good question!!!! But for me it’s the questions that have made me sit and think. We’ve had questions about whether science and religion can work together, and questions about black holes but for me I my favourite was about what would cause human extinction. That had us talking in the office for a few days.

    • Photo: Thomas Perriment

      Thomas Perriment answered on 22 Jun 2018:

      I think that questions which challenge all of us to think are fantastic! Sometimes in science the answer is yes or no, up or down, left or right etc… However when we hit that grey area, such as ethical questions which depend on your values and upbringing, we get into some really interesting debates. Some of the questions we have got so far have led to me asking my colleagues all around me and even talking about it over skype with a few other scientists! Communication is so important to science, we need to learn from each other so when I might know the answer I can ask a friend who can help out. Questions which make us say: “well I think this, let me see if I can find out some more, what do you think?” are brilliant.
      I also love questions about geography and rocks :p
